Skin Tightening & Wrinkle Reduction
At Sima Medical & Cosmetic Clinic, we offer non-invasive laser treatments for facial & neck skin tightening. This procedure tightens the skin by heating the underlying layers in the skin and forming new collagen resulting in smoother, younger looking skin. The cooling allows quick results and patient comfort. Unlike vein treatment or hair removal, the laser light energy during this process is absorbed by water. The heated water in the vital portion of the skin serves to contract collagen and by thermal injury, lay down new collagen. This process results in tightening the area treated.

We use state-of-the-art Candela GentleYAG laser. Clinical studies comparing skin-tightening results of the GentleYAG to another commonly used radiofrequency device have found the GentleYAG to be superior with respect to efficacy, speed, comfort, and affordability. Patients who have experienced laser tightening have been overwhelmingly happy with their results and found the Candela GentleYAG to be an exceptional way to smooth out wrinkles and tighten the skin. The laser skin tightening procedure is considered a "lunchtime procedure." It can be performed in under 30 minutes, allowing patients to return to work after the procedure. Short of doing a facelift, or a more aggressive/invasive approach, the GentleYAG facial skin tightening offers excellent results without downtime.
Laser treament for facial or neck skin tightening can be slightly uncomfortable. To minimize discomfort, we may intermittently apply ice packs during the procedure or, anesthetic cream is available to apply before the procedure if desired. Although rare, side effects are possible. They may include redness, swelling, change in skin pigmentation (lighter or darker), bruising or blisters. Side effects do not last more than a few days and permanent side effects are exceedingly rare.
We are proud to offer the finest laser technology available. Call us today to experience the frontiers of laser medicine.

We may ask you to stop any topical medications or skin care products 3-5 days prior to treatment.
If you have had a history of perioral herpes simplex virus, we may recommend prophylactic antiviral therapy. Follow the directions for your particular antiviral medication.
If you are tanned or have a darker skin type, a bleaching regimen may be started 4-6 weeks before treatment.
RECENTLY TANNED SKIN CANNOT BE TREATED! If treated within 2 weeks of active (natural sunlight or tanning booth) tanning, you may develop hypopigmentation (white spots) after treatment and this may not clear for couple of weeks.
The use of self-tanning skin care products must be discontinued one week before treatment. Any residual self-tanner must be removed prior to treatment.
The skin is cleaned thoroughly prior to treatment. A topical anesthetic may be used.
When treating the upper lip, the teeth may be protected with moist white gauze. The gauze also serves to support the lip during treatment, allowing a surface to push against.

3. The DCD (cryogen skin cooling) device may be used during the laser treatment.
4. Safety considerations are important during the laser procedure. Protective eye wear will be worn by the patient and all personnel in the operative suite during the procedure to reduce the chance of damage to the eye. We will take all necessary precautions to ensure your safety.
Immediately after treatment, there should be mild erythema (redness) and mild edema (swelling) at the treatment site, which may last up to 2 hours, or longer. The erythema may last up to 2-3 days. The treated area will feel like sunburn for a few hours after treatment. Some patients note that their skin feels pleasantly warm after treatment.
We may use an optional cooling method after treatment to ensure your comfort.
We will inform you when you may resume the use of your usual skin care products. Makeup may be used after the treatment as long as the skin is not irritated.
Avoid sun exposure to reduce the chance of hyperpigmentation (darker pigmentation).
Use sunblock (SPF 30+) at all times throughout the course of treatment.
Avoid picking or scratching the treated skin.
There are no restrictions on bathing except to treat the skin gently, as if you had sunburn, for the first 24 hours.
The laser treatment is often performed 4-5 times at monthly intervals for best results. You may notice immediate as well as longer term improvements in your skin.
Feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns.